5 recent favorites #2

De superschattige pinguïn die ik vorige maand kocht! Spreek voor zich, niet waar? Hij blijft lekker de hele winter lang (en waarschijnlijk daarna ook nog, haha) als decoratie staan! Ik moet altijd even glimlachen als ik ‘m zie staan :)

What I love: 5 recent favorites

Natúúrlijk is mijn (nieuwe) camera een favoriet! Meer een all-time favoriet, want wanneer hou ik nou niet van foto’s maken? Dat komt niet voor ;) Het klinkt misschien wat zweverig, maar ik voel me weer compleet sinds ik mijn 60D heb. Ik meen het! Wat het extra leuk maakt, is dat ik ermee kan experimenteren met filmen!

2012 Favorites
Another year is coming to an end! As the 31st is approaching fast
(tomorrow already, wow!), it’s the perfect time to look back on what I have loved in the 2012. Even though there is so much that I loved, I did manage to make a selection of my absolute faves!
Tv shows

In July I discovered a new tv show: Pretty Little Liars. Well, I’d heard of it, but I had never seen one episode. But wow, what an addictive show – all the mysteries and drama! It’s also a bit scary sometimes, I honestly have been afraid to go to sleep because I watched a few episodes (at night) while I was home alone.
Once Upon A Time is a show I discovered quite recently, but I already saw the complete season 1. At first I was a little wary… I mean, a show about fairy tales? Won’t that ruin the way I always see them: perfect, happy & colorful stories? Well, they made it all so different and exciting and awesome that it has become one of my favorite shows.
This is the book I read during my 10-hour flight from Amsterdam to Curaçao. I read it from cover to cover and all I can say is: Wow, what a beautiful book. It made me cry a little (in public, which I hate). If I had been alone, it probably would’ve been a full blown tear-fest. I find it very hard to summarize the story well, but I’ll try. In short: it’s about a girl named Hazel, who is terminally ill. At a cancer support group she meets a very interesting character: a boy named Augustus, who changes her life – while she changes his.

My spring essentials
De lente is voor mij niet compleet zonder…

…een vrolijke zonnebril…