Van deze 5 boeken hou ik het meest
Er zijn ZO veel boeken die ik met heel veel plezier heb gelezen, dus het was niet heel erg makkelijk om een top 5 samen te stellen! Maar goed, het is me toch gelukt! Oké, mijn nummer één was niet zo moeilijk, dat is nog steeds Cloud Atlas van David Mitchell. De vier andere boeken staan op willekeurige volgorde ;-)

A peek into my home
Ik wil jullie heel graag mijn hele apartement laten zien… maar wel pas als ik mijn muren heb geverfd! Tot op heden heb ik daar nog geen tijd voor gehad (en ik was het nog niet helemaal met mezelf eens over de kleuren, haha), dus een “home tour” laat nog even op zich wachten. Maar ik laat jullie graag details & decoratie uit mijn appartement zien!

About a book: Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell is by far the best book I have read in a long time. I (still) can’t get over how well-written and deliciously complicated this book is. Since I loved this book so much, I decided to share my love and write down my thoughts & praise for this amazing book. Hopefully I can do this masterpiece justice and get all of you guys to read it too!
Cloud Atlas is a journey, an adventure. It’s a composition of six different stories that take place in different times, varying from early 19th century to waaaay in the future. Already sounds interesting, right? I have to admit, I am not able to give you a summary of the book that would do its complexity and beauty justice – it’s something you have to find out while reading. There is no easy way of telling someone what Cloud Atlas is about, let’s put it that way. But that doesn’t mean I can’t tell you more about it! Keep reading :)


Listening to the tv in the background. I have 24Kitchen on, perfect background tv channel! And of course, I love to actually watch it too ;)
Loving the feeling after finally doing something that really needed to be done, but I was a little too lazy to do before. Feels good to get things done!
Reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. This has been on my “to read list” for about 5 years, and I finally started reading it! I actually forgot I had a copy, but I read something about the movie and I realized I had the book & I really wanted to read it, before seeing the movie :)
Watching Gilmore Girls. I’m addicted.
Craving chocolate.
Missing a nice sleeping pattern. On Curaçao I was used to getting up at 7am almost every morning, without a problem. Nowadays I can’t seem to get out of bed until it’s after 10 in the morning.