9 maart 2013
On my wishlist: pretty + funky decorations
With moving into a new apartment also comes the dilemma of decorating. Or as I like to call it: the fun challenge of decorating! In this apartment I have so much more space than I was used to, which means that I have a lot more space for decorative stuff than I ever had. How fun! Of course I already have tons of decorations lying around: photo frames, candles, fake plants, posters, tealights and whatnot. But a very fun part of this decorating thing is also looking around for new stuff, which is what I’ve been doing lately! I took some pictures of two of my empty, still boring spaces and found some lovely stuff on Home24.nl to fill in the blanks ;)



Clock: 39,00, photo frames: 99,00, jewelry tree: 27,00, phone holder: 24,00 euros.

You can kind of see what I’m going for here, right? Minimal and simple, but fun! That clock is probably my favorite item of them all! Did you see the cute animals sitting on the numbers? Adorable! I like my space to look clean and neat, but have fun and colorful details. My colorful details in my living room/dining area are (obviously) my bright pink couch (which you’ll see plenty of pictures of soon enough!) and my turquoise chairs at my (dining) table. The fun details will be the decorations I put up, but as you can see, I’m still debating on the what & where of that. I think this clock could be a good start… ;)

What kind of decorations do you have? And which of these would you want in your home?


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11 reacties op “On my wishlist: pretty + funky decorations”

  1. Angelina schreef:

    Wat een leuke decoratie, vooral die klok! Ben benieuwd naar hoe je nieuwe plekje eruitziet :))

  2. Jennifer schreef:

    Ik hou zelf ook heel erg van dat witte. Ik heb ook een kamer met veel witte meubels en accessoires. Gewoon lekker clean, want de spullen die ik heb en gebruik hebben al wel kleur, dus niet teveel drukte extra.

  3. Shanti schreef:

    I love the clock, supercute!

  4. Indira schreef:

    Ben benieuwd hoe het er uiteindelijk uit komt te zien!

  5. Laura schreef:

    Oeh leuk! :) Ik hou wel van dat soort decoratie :)

  6. Jorien schreef:

    De klok vind ik erg leuk, en die fotolijst :D

  7. Suzanne schreef:

    Ik heb nog niet heel veel aan de muren hangen. Ik ben nog zoekend naar wat ik aan mijn muren wil. In ieder geval iets voor foto’s.

  8. kommer til bli kjempe fint ;) forsten elsker bildeen dine

  9. Eline schreef:

    super leuke spullen!

  10. Anja schreef:

    Leuke spulletjes!

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