2 maart 2013
Chocolate cupcakes: butter and sugarfee!

Is that even possible? Yes, it is! No sugar, no butter, no regular flour. You could even say that these are very healthy cupcakes! As long as you don’t eat the entire batch in one sitting, of course ;) For these I used stevia instead of sugar (my enemy), oat flour instead of regular flour and substituted Greek yoghurt for butter. Hell yeah, a healthier version of cupcakes! And my my my, they were good. I adapted a recipe from a cupcake/baking book that I have. I’ll be adapting more recipes in the future, it’s fun to try to make these things healthy ;) My recipe makes 6 cupcakes.



The ingredients

  • 2½ tablespoons (tbsp) of Greek yoghurt
  • 4 tbsp stevia (I use granulated stevia, which is a kind of powder)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp milk (I used almond milk)
  • ½ tbsp raw cacao nibs
  • 5½ tbsp oat flour (for oat flour: grind regular oats in a blender)
  • ½-1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder

For the Dutchies: where do I get some of those ingredients? You can find both stevia and almond milk at Albert Heijn. The raw cacao nibs you can find at natuurwinkels, like Ekoplaza.

The instructions

Before you start, preheat your oven to 200˚C. The rest is really super simple. There isn’t really a certain order to follow when mixing the ingredients. Just start with the Greek yoghurt and add everything except the raw cacao nibs, mix until smooth and then add the nibs. Use a spoon to mix them in. Then it gets even simpler ;) Add the mixture to 6 cupcakes liners and put them in the oven for about 20 minutes. That’s it! Oh, don’t forget to let them cool before eating them! If you have even more patience: they taste even better the next day!

Want some frosting?

To make the cupcakes even more tasty I made a maple-cashew frosting. I just mixed 1½ tablespoon of Greek yoghurt with a tablespoon of cashew butter and some maple syrup. So, so good. It’s also really good without the cupcake, shhh ;)


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13 reacties op “Chocolate cupcakes: butter and sugarfee!”

  1. Alyssa schreef:

    Nom nom, ziet er heerlijk uit! Ik ben helaas niet zo’n keukenprinses.

  2. Ise schreef:

    Mmm dat ga ik zeker eens proberen!

  3. Masha schreef:

    Oh my yummie!

  4. Rebecca schreef:

    Ohhh yummie! Zou ze ook graag samen met de frosting willen zien ;)

  5. tineke schreef:

    Deze ga ik ook eens proberen! :)

  6. Angelina schreef:

    Oehh dat ziet er lekker uit zeg!

  7. Suzanne schreef:

    Wat ziet dat er heerlijk uit zeg! Yummm

  8. La vie mondaine schreef:

    Ziet er jammie uit! Heerlijk

  9. Annouska schreef:

    Hmm dat ziet er ontzettend goed uit!

  10. Daniëlle schreef:

    Looking good! ;-)

  11. Hanneke schreef:

    Hoi Alyssa, ziet er heerlijk uit!

    Even een vraagje voor ik dit recept zelf ga proberen. Gebruik je de nederlandse hoeveelheden (eetlepel) of de amerikaanse (tbsp)? Die verschillen nogal en omdat je nu van taal geswitcht ben weet ik het niet zeker :p


  12. […] maakte een recept voor cakejes gezond(er): dit recept was het […]

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