10 april 2013
Snapshots: pink shoes, red lips + (green) food

  1. I made some almond milk a while back. It wasn’t the perfect consistency, but it tasted good! Maybe I’ll blog about it some time :)
  2. Breakfast!!! Can you tell I looove breakfast? This is oatmeal, fruits, Greek yoghurt & (clean) cherry jam.

  1. Out for dinner: I had green tea and a pizza with grilled veggies.
  2. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at an Irish pub. Fun!

  1. My dad helped me finally hang some of my stuff on my walls, yay!
  2. Yummm, I love adding coconut to my oatmeal.

  1. Dyed my hair :)
  2. Rocking red lips. Hair color looks kinda weird here, I blame the Instagram filter I used ;)

  1. Outfit I wore on my birthday.
  2. Dinner with my family!

  1. Green monster, love it.
  2. My other shoes I got for running turned out to not be good for running – I got myself some pretty awesome pink running shoes! Too bad shin splints are bothering me right now, so I can’t really run at the moment :(

  1. Pumpkin seed bread and an omelet with spinach. Oh, and some coconut water.
  2. Quinoa for breakfast. Took some getting used to, but it was tasty.

  1. Not so healthy lunch I had – but it was oh so good. Goat’s cheese and honey on white bread.
  2. When my legs weren’t bothering me yet, I had such a great (little) run in the sun! And an ugly looking pancake with blueberries.


  1. Selfie time ;)
  2. Big-ass quinoa salad for lunch.

  1. What’s for dinner? This was sautéed spinach (which I hate so much, I only like it raw), two eggs, quinoa, chicken burgers & a little mayo.
  2. Oh my, this is one of my favorite foods: smoked salmon. You can imagine how happy I was to find smoked salmon that didn’t have sugar added to it! (yes, they add sugar to salmon too… watch out for unexpected sugar, people!)


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18 reacties op “Snapshots: pink shoes, red lips + (green) food”

  1. Myrthe schreef:

    Je nieuwe haarkleur is zo mooi!

  2. Carola schreef:

    Leuke foto’s! Je nieuwe haarkleur staat je goed!

  3. Kimberly schreef:

    Ik vind je nieuwe haarkleur ook heel erg goed bij je staan!

  4. Nieke schreef:

    Je nieuwe haarkleur is super mooi! :) Fijne foto’s ook weer.

  5. Annouska schreef:

    Ik krijg zo trek in jou voedsel foto’s. Gave kleur van je haar trouwens.. haha

  6. Jennifer schreef:

    Oh, die heerlijke food foto’s, ik moet echt een keer leren eten van je, want ik ga altijd maar voor makkelijk en simpel.

  7. Charlotte schreef:

    Leuke foto’s Alyss!
    Hmmm al dat food, en dat groene monster ziet er lekker uit haha.
    Je selfies zijn ook mooi geworden! Like the red lipsss

  8. Dina schreef:

    Staat je mooi, die haarkleur! :)

  9. Eline schreef:

    leuke foto’s!

  10. Anna schreef:

    Shin splints suckss!! Mooie foto’s verder! Xx

  11. Aleida schreef:

    Ik krijg er gewoon honger van als ik deze foto’s zie

  12. Laura schreef:

    Welke zalm is dit dan? :-) Wat vreemd dat er suiker in gerookte zalm zit… haha :’) Leuke foto’s!

  13. Jorien schreef:

    Wat een heerlijke foto’s! Ik word er helemaal happy van :D

  14. Suzanne schreef:

    Wat een leuke foto’s!

  15. akane kinomoto schreef:

    they add sugar to salmon?? whaaa? I didn’t know that! Damn! Gotta watch out for that.

    With the shins, I found out that stretching for more than just a few minutes after a run, *really* helps. I just stretch for more than 10 minutes after a long run… It’s been really good.

    I gotta try quinoa, you make it look so appetising! and oh how I love goat cheese and honey…! <3

  16. Olga schreef:

    Krijg zin om NU naar de winkel te lopen en zalm te kopen, jumm <3

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