6 januari 2013
Snapshots of my life #5
I renamed this type of blogpost (again), because I feel these snapshot don’t necessarily need to be Instagram snapshots :) (Even though these are all from Instagram) Anyway, the last time I gave you a peek into my life was in November… so here’s a brand new snapshot post!


  1. Finally I made some time to watch the newest episodes of How I Met Your Mother. It’s one of my favorite shows, it always makes me laugh!
  2. Beautiful view on our way back from the Tug Boat (a boat that sunk & one you can swim to and see while snorkeling – pretty cool to see).


  1. Yay, a salad! Ingredients: lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, green paprika, pumpkin seeds & a little bit of mayonnaise and lemon juice.
  2. Finally, I took the time to clean my closet! Unfortunately it’s become a big mess again already, shhh.


  1. Two absolutely gorgeous skies! Don’t you just love it when you can actually see the sunbeams like this?


  1. I made it all through my first 15-minute workout in months, woohoo! ;)
  2. Christmas in the tropics! It was so weird at first to be outside in shorts and a tanktop while the sun was shining, and seeing Christmas trees and decorations!


  1. Lunch at Plasa Bieu, something that’s very ‘Curaçao’. It’s called a stoba (which means stew). It’s beef, rice and baked banana. It was good, but it was just a little bit too much for a lunch.
  2. The Curaçao Museum, which displays a variety of things, from a full historic kitchen, to pianos, to the cockpit of the first KLM plane that flew over the Atlantic Ocean.


  1. Ready for a night out :)
  2. Freshly painted nails! This is Essie’s Bikini So Teeny.


  1. Lunch on Bonaire! A really good (but difficult to eat) chicken sandwhich.
  2. Dessert after lunch ;) Watermelon and pistachio ice cream.


  1. First Christmas Day: dinner at home & drinking prosecco (or actually, this was called ‘rosesecco’) from a can ;)
  2. Second Christmas Day: dinner at the beach!


  1. Ready to celebrate New Year’s!
  2. My nails for New Year’s Eve, glittery goodness with stars & hearts!


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13 reacties op “Snapshots of my life #5”

  1. Sas schreef:

    Leuke foto’s!

  2. Marjolein schreef:

    Wat lijkt me dat apart dat je kerst in de zon viert. Wel weer een stel heerlijke foto’s zeg…

  3. Masha schreef:

    Dat workout programmaatje, wat is dat?

  4. Leonie schreef:

    Wa een mooie ketting heb je op die één na laatste foto om!

  5. Dhini schreef:

    woow…wat mooie foto`s

  6. Ise schreef:

    Leuke ketting en nagellak op de laatste foto’s!

  7. Annouska schreef:

    Wauw wat een gave en lekkere foto’s… Het is wel raar om te zien dat er kerst met zo mooi weer gevierd wordt. Maar dat heeft ook wel iets vind ik haha..

    Die sandwich ziet er echt verrukkelijk uit overigens!

  8. Lenneke schreef:

    Welke lak droeg je met NYE? Het lijkt me zo raar om kerst te vieren terwijl het buiten heet is! Raar, maar fan-tas-tisch. De winter is niks voor mij.

  9. Naomi schreef:

    Leuke foto’s!!!
    Vond jij het ook zo raar om kerst te vieren terwijl het warm en zonnig was buiten? Had ik ook in Florida. Zat gewoon te wachten op de kou eigenlijk, hahaha.

  10. Indira schreef:

    OMG, die Lunch on Bonaire ga ik proberen na te maken :D

  11. Suzanne schreef:

    Wat een leuke foto’s !

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