20 maart 2013
It’s my birthday!

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn 23 years old. I still cannot believe how fast time is passing by! I remember writing on an old blog of mine that I was so happy that I turned fifteen, haha!


My gift to myself today is a new layout on my blog – as you can see. A simple, clean look, with pink details. Very typical for me, so obviously I love it. I may still have to do some tweaking here & there, though. Oh, and of course: let me know if something’s not right or not working or anything! Alrighty, I’m off to celebrate my birthday by baking some delicious treats & having my family over! PS. as you can (probably) see, I’ve dyed my hair! My sister actually talked me into it ;) – but I’m glad she did, because I love it. It’s now a more darker, warmer brown.


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53 reacties op “It’s my birthday!”

  1. Charlotte schreef:

    Aaaahw Alyss!
    Je ziet er zo goed en leuk uit :D
    Alsnog gefeliciteerd lieverd! <3

  2. Ellen schreef:

    Wat erg dat ik dit nu pas zie! Nog gefeliciteerd, die kleur bruin staat je heel erg goed :)

  3. missDoke schreef:

    Mooie haarkleur!!

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