30 mei 2013
Ideal for photography: daylight lamps

I always hate it when the weather is so grey and dark that I can’t take decent pictures. Or you know those corners of your house or your room that are a tad too dark or have weird shadows when you are taking pictures? Well, I do know those! Luckily I do have windows that I can stand close to when I take pictures, but having a daylight lamp – like these lamps from VELUX® – on dark days or to fill those corners would be ideal! To kind of show you what I mean, I have a few pictures of the “darker corners” in my apartment:



Not bad, but the lighting is not as perfect as I would prefer. As a photographer (or amateur photographer) I am always looking for the best light when I am taking pictures. The lighting in the photographs has to be as perfect as possible, lighting is pretty much everything to me when it comes to photography ;) I mean, Photoshop can (sometimes) do wonders, but I will always prefer natural daylight. But since that is not always a possibility, these daylight lamps by VELUX seem like a great solution.

Also, since I think daylight is probably the best-looking light there is, I would love to have a daylight lamp in my bathroom. Okay – not to be able to take pictures there (bathrooms are not the perfect place for photography anyway), but just because daylight looks a lot better. Especially when I am putting on my make-up – which I do in there -, it would be nice to be able to see it in “daylight”. Anyway: I would not mind being able to have the best light anywhere and anytime at my apartment!

Do you have these kind of darker spots in your home? How do you feel about daylight lamps?


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13 reacties op “Ideal for photography: daylight lamps”

  1. Joyce schreef:

    Mijn hele kamer is een grote dark spot hahaha! Zo’n lampen staan nog steeds op mijn wishlist, zeker voor het opnemen van video’s!

  2. Joyce schreef:

    Psstt… de link werkt niet! ;)

  3. Martina schreef:

    Lijkt me best fijn, licht doet zoveel!

  4. Ilse schreef:

    Dachtlichtlampen lijken me zó fijn, nooit meer op de tijd hoeven letten wanneer je foto’s wilt maken of wil filmen!

  5. Anouk schreef:

    Ik vind die eerste foto juist wel mooi, geeft een beetje sfeer! :)

  6. Kimberly schreef:

    Ik heb heel veel donkere hoeken, echt jammer!

  7. Evey | Style Spy schreef:

    Ja ik vind dat ook zo vervelend, maar komt goed, I’m sure!

  8. Olga schreef:

    Doe mij ook maar zo’n lamp of ander goedwerkend ding kado, want ik zit hier ook op een onmogelijke plek te schrijven. Het is hier of te donker, of ik word door de zon verblind :’)

  9. Maxime schreef:

    Zulke lampen lijken mij ideaal, vooral met foto’s maken. Nu is het vaak afwachten of je genoeg belichting hebt.

  10. BirdPlanet schreef:

    Lijkt me zo fijn, ik hou van lichte ruimtes

  11. Indira schreef:

    Doe mij ook zo’n lamp!

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