22 mei 2013
Details of the day

Inspired by reading my (very) old blogposts, I decided to get a teeny bit more personal today! No more stories about school, exams, presentations and grades I got, but just a little bit about my day :) I went to the chiropractor this morning (I’ve had this annoying painful spot in back for a while now, but it’s finally getting better!), wore my favorite comfy outfit & my most awesome earrings, went superfood shopping, spotted a big fire truck with my almost-3-year-old nephew and worked on my gradution project. Oh, and I started watching a new show: Drop Dead Diva. Kinda weird, but I like it so far. Here is today in a few (fashion) pictures:


I wore my hair in two braids today. Oh, and I did put on some more warm clothes when I went outside, which was very necessary today unfortunately!



I wore my favorite comfortable leopard print pants! I love these so much, I bought them on Curaçao, so besides being comfy they also remind me of my time there!


More leopard stuff ;) I think these earrings are so awesome, I don’t wear them enough!


Stranger Tides by OPI on my nails!


I had this for lunch, this bread is so gooood! I had it with cucumber, smoked salmon and a little mayo. Yum.


I almost ran out of chia seeds, so had to get new ones. I always have about a tablespoon in my oatmeal!

I like doing this kind of posts – I did “Details of the day” posts before, but the most recent is from over two years ago ;) Anyway, I’m off to catch up on some of my favorite blogs and then I’m going to watch The Holiday on tv.

How was your day today?


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13 reacties op “Details of the day”

  1. Jessy schreef:

    Mmm the sandwich looks so delicious! Haven’t had smoked for ages haha. Love your printed pants ^^!

  2. Indira schreef:

    Leuke broek!!

  3. Josianne schreef:

    Die broek is leuk! Waar heb je trouwens de chia zaadjes gekocht?

  4. Anne schreef:

    Hele toffe outfit! En wat zijn je foto’s weer mooi. Wauw!

  5. Suzanne schreef:

    Wat een leuke outfit! Die broek is erg leuk.

  6. Wendy schreef:

    Erg leuk stukje. :) Je oorbellen zijn inderdaad erg leuk.

  7. Joyce schreef:

    Enig artikeltje! ;D

  8. Martina schreef:

    Snap dat je veel goede herinneringen hebt aan je broek, leuk is dat! Je lunch ziet er ook goed uit!

  9. Kimberly schreef:

    Je oorbellen vind ik echt heel erg leuk!

  10. Anja schreef:

    Ik vind dit soort post echt heel leuk om te lezen! Die lunch ziet er goed uit!

  11. Carola schreef:

    Wat een leuk artikel! Die broek staat je leuk!

  12. Liselot schreef:

    Oh, die oorbellen zijn echt heel mooi!

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