
2012 Favorites

Another year is coming to an end! As the 31st is approaching fast (tomorrow already, wow!), it’s the perfect time to look back on what I have loved in the 2012. Even though there is so much that I loved, I did manage to make a selection of my absolute faves!
Tv shows


In July I discovered a new tv show: Pretty Little Liars. Well, I’d heard of it, but I had never seen one episode. But wow, what an addictive show – all the mysteries and drama! It’s also a bit scary sometimes, I honestly have been afraid to go to sleep because I watched a few episodes (at night) while I was home alone. Once Upon A Time is a show I discovered quite recently, but I already saw the complete season 1. At first I was a little wary… I mean, a show about fairy tales? Won’t that ruin the way I always see them: perfect, happy & colorful stories? Well, they made it all so different and exciting and awesome that it has become one of my favorite shows.


book_zpse71739a0 (1)This is the book I read during my 10-hour flight from Amsterdam to Curaçao. I read it from cover to cover and all I can say is: Wow, what a beautiful book. It made me cry a little (in public, which I hate). If I had been alone, it probably would’ve been a full blown tear-fest. I find it very hard to summarize the story well, but I’ll try. In short: it’s about a girl named Hazel, who is terminally ill. At a cancer support group she meets a very interesting character: a boy named Augustus, who changes her life – while she changes his.