
This was 2012

Wow, almost time for 2013 already! I know I’ve said it a hundred times before, but it’s still true: time flies! Can’t believe how fast it goes sometimes. I’m sure you all can relate to that! As the new year is coming soon, I wanted to look back on the year I’ve had and do a little summary, in both words and pictures!
In January I rang in the new year with good friends, went to Berlin for a few days to kick off my minor at school (learning about graphic design, art direction, photography!) & started in my Q&A a day diary.
February was a very busy, a very cold & a very snowy month. I had to do a lot of school work – which also involved taking a lot of pictures, went to Antwerp for a few days, did a day trip to Amsterdam with my mom to take pictures & decided I wanted to be healthier and change my diet.
In March I stopped eating sugar, did a lot of fun school assignments (made an inspiration book and a nail polish box) & I baked a cake (which failed terribly – too bad) for my 22nd birthday on the 20th.
In April I was still eating much healthier, I discovered my love for baking things, I tried out HDR photography, celebrated Queen’s Day, sorted out my nail polishes and put on pink lipstick to celebrate my birthday with friends.